Tuesday, April 20, 2010

not so bad

Josh didn't want to believe he drank too much. No more than his dear brother nor anyone else in the family. It was the usual. What was Dave's point? It hurt his feelings just a little, but he kept drinking and they'd had a laugh or two about old times. Days when they thought the band might be going somewhere.

"We should try again, you know." Dave offered.

"This summer? You think?" Josh was excited. He was ready to jump up and down in enthusiasm.

"Right? That would be splendid." They talked more about how they'd run it this time. They'd be minimalist. Dave could run the base line. All Josh had to worry, was getting the singing right.

"Can't forget the words, you know." Dave snickered as he edged closer.

"Right." Josh grinned back as if this time would be perfect.

"Well, come on then." Dave seemed to know the way. Before Josh noticed, they were at Dave's flat. There in the kitchen. It was happening. The kiss. Full frontal magnitude. Josh didn't know what to think other than just to roll with it. A smile came to Josh's face. This was nice, he thought. Unbelievable comfortable with just a bit of edge to it. Where the fuck was this going?

Another kiss, obviously.

And then he looked over his shoulder and saw the look on Amy's face. She was fierce with a snarl. Next thing Josh saw was her fist. Right in the eye.

"Amy!" Dave gave a shot. "What the fuck!"

She shook with anger.

"Leave him alone! You're unbelievable!" Dave pushed her off Josh, and she shouted back that he was unbelievable. She was leaving. She had a few more obscenities to shout at him. Shaking her fist all the way. Finally she made her exit.

Josh looked up to see the smile on Dave's face.

"Fuck! What is going on with you?" Josh winced hard holding his hand to his bruised eye.

"Its OK. Its all, all right." He went to get ice in the fridge for Josh.

Josh fretted slightly. What ever had gotten into Amy? Had she never seen two blokes kissing?


ellie said...

poor josh.

Anonymous said...

Dave and his tricks.


I feel bad for Josh. I've never read fan fiction before, its very interesting. Thanks for the lovely comments.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I don't like Amy.