Sunday, May 16, 2010

not a bit of comfort

Gaz was frustrated.

All he really wanted was to leave Hollyoaks with Lauren. Plain and simple. Wasn't that the plan? Really?

Honestly, he couldn't get the money quick enough out of the safe.

"What do we do now, once we got it?" He swore his fingers were a sweat in those leather glove. Was he an honest to go criminal now? Not just a bully like he'd been most of his life who ended up working for bigger bullies like Ste.

A part of him wanted it to stop. He wanted a break. Have a lager and sit back and watch the show. Only, he was the show. He was a good hearty part of it. And as it was Lauren was there every step of the way.

"Just shut it! Will you?" She scowled. It wasn't a thing like he thought she'd say. He was hoping for a bit of love or at least a 'good job, gaz'. But no. Just the minutes ticked by. He put the cash in the bag. Hoping to haul ass before he shit his pants.

But there was another and another load to carry. How much drug money was in this safe?

"Hurry, Gaz! Come on!" Lauren demanded. Some watch out she was.

"She keep it quiet. Please." Gaz hesitated.

Finally they were on their way to Ste's getaway car which was once Warren's.

Damn if Gaz didn't have to hot wire it.

"NOW WHAT?" Lauren glared at him. "Lets just go!"

"Yes, babe, I know what to do. It just isn't as quick as you want it." His face tensed as he got the wire right. Finally, ignition. They were off.

A sigh of relief to Gaz. Yes, into the night of smooth selling. Just then he looked over to Lauren. She was on her mobile.

"What the fuck?" Gaz winced.

"I must. If I want it to be the end for Ste. I need to call Abi and Lorretta." Lauren slyly smiled. "Just the icing on the cake, babe. That's all."

Gaz looked ahead. Where in the hell were they going now?


Anonymous said...

Poor Gaz..I do like him.

ellie said...

Gaz..I'm sure she doesn't mean it.